Friday, June 20, 2008

Williams-Sonoma = Porn…

I become giddy and wide-eyed as a little school girl every time I walk into a Williams-Sonoma. I could do some serious damage in that store. Why do I have such an addiction to kitchen ware? Luckily I have my wits about me enough to not buy crap. I hold out for the higher-quality appliances and wares. I want my stuff to last! I was in there earlier today just browsing and found at least 4-5 things I want NOW! Unfortunately the 4-5 things would run a grand total of around 800-100 dollars. I want to complete my Wustoff knife collection, add a Kitchen Aide stand mixer, several cookbooks, several small specialty gadgets, etc. Oh well. There is no need to stock up on stuff I really don’t need. Perhaps I could write it all off as a business expense for Cooking with Karen. Eh, probably not.

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