Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just too damn lazy...

Some lazy kids in Salt Lake City decided to start their own protest over high gas prices. The reason? The family needed to cut back expenses in order to pay for gas so they cut the cable television and now their two daughters are protesting. The last time I checked it was summer in Utah and school is out. Why not get off your lazy asses and go play?

When my brother and I were their age we were outside all the time: playing, swimming, shooting each other with bb guns, climbing trees, and riding our bikes all over the city. In fact, I would sometimes walk or ride my bike to the movie theater and watch .50 cartoons or I would find some creek to go play in. I guess by today’s standards the actions I listed are completely dangerous and will cause irreparable harm to children. Whatever, I turned out just fabulous. Most kids (and some parents) today are just total wussies!

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