Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pink Eye...

My poor beloved has a raging case of pink eye. I feel so sorry for him because he is in pain and miserable. He even got an eye patch and looks like a pirate! Due to his prolonged conjunctivitis his eye is the color of blood and is so swollen. Every time he blinks or basically moves his body his head pounds. When looking at him I ask myself, “I wonder when he had his Borg implants removed?” He is getting better. I threatened to kill him in his sleep if I got pink eye. I am headed to the beach (sans RonStar unfortunately) in a few short weeks and if I get pink eye I am just gonna open fire. Really though, it isn’t his fault. I think that he caught the bug when we went to the Choctaw Casino. But how seriously cool would it be if all of a sudden some Borg nano thingie popped out of his eye!

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