Saturday, July 9, 2011

Job Update...

I am currently on contract with Madison Capital Funding LLC. I had interviewed with them a while back and was told I was the top candidate until a former employee called and wanted to come back. I guess they felt bad or something because they called and asked if I would help them out during quarter end. So I decided to do it. I am glad I did. Despite the nepotism going one with the whole boss/former employee friendship I really like it. It is very laid back and the people are really cool. So after I started at MCF I learned last week that I was offered a full time position at Neuberger Berman! I was offered a pretty sweet deal and knowing that MCF was not going to be able to open a position for me I accepted the offer. I talked to my boss about it and she then spoke to some senior partners. The CFO spoke to me and was hinting that I should stay and not accept the offer until the last minute. She was trying to get approval from New York Life for a position for me in which they would have matched what Neuberger offered. Having worked at JPMorgan for so long I know how long it takes to get anything done. I didn't tell the CFO that I had already accepted the offer but lied and said I would wait until the deadline. Well obviously nothing worked out with MCF/NY LIfe. Of course I would stay if I hadn't had the offer. In the end though I think that Madison had their chances and blew it and I really believe, especially after talking to the CFO, that they knew they blew it as well. They did tell me that if I did not like it over at Neuberger that they would take me back in a heart beat which is nice to know. Meanwhile, Neuberger is ver excited and anxious to get me started. My last day at MCF will be the 15th and I will start at NB on the 19th.


Over the fourth of July weekend we flew to Dallas. I have not been home to see my mother or anyone since I left back in October. We had a great time despite the oppressive heat. We rented a car and had to drive all over town and way the heck out to McKinney to see my mother. We also had a pool party on Saturday and had a blast and got to see everyone in one afternoon. So it was nice to get home, have good mexican food, and see everyone. In the end though I came to the realization that I really didn't miss Dallas as much as I though I did. I missed being able to hop a train and be anywhere in a matter of minutes. Instead we had to drive all over creation. Needless to say I was ready to get back to Chicago! We returned on the evening of the 4th so we decided to walk up to Belmont Harbor and watch the fire works at Navy Pier. When we got there (along with our big gulp cups full of spirits) we totally stopped watching Navy Pier because some private donors, upset that Chicago canceled their own show, decided to put on their own display at the harbor and it was fantastic! It was a great ending to a trip and a great beginning of the week.