Monday, March 9, 2009

Facebook killed the Ninja...

You all may have noticed that I have not posted anything in months! Oops!! I blame myself and I blame Facebook. I have several Cooking with Karen’s just waiting to be posted and I just haven’t done it! I am going to be better at blogging and such!

We are leaving for Colorado on Friday so I will be posting thoughts, happenings, pictures, etc throughout the trip. I am going to try and slow my Facebook roll for a bit. Those FB people just make it so darn easy. Plus there is a quick and handy little app for iPhone.

Anyway, we are headed to Colorado on Friday and cannot wait the get the hell out of here for a week! We will be driving to Amarillo and spending the night and getting up early Sat and finishing the drive to Denver. Moses is going with us so it should be interesting. I am starting him on Melatonin to calm him down in the car. Hopefully he will just sleep most of the way instead of standing and panting.

In June I am planning a trip to London to see my friend Chad. I feel like a heel cause I have not yet gone to see him since he moved there about 2 years ago. Unfortunately, Ron can’t go….work, school, and not enough vacation time. I have to get my passport renewed pronto!! The damn thing expires 6/6/09, right before I am leaving!

I always hate the week before I take vacation. I am ready to go NOW.

test blog

This is a test of iBlog iPhone app