Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I love to travel and do so quite often. I never checks bags. Lets justsay that I made it to England while my bag made a detour to Caracas. After that incident I decided that I would never check a bag again and I have held true to that. I just recently flew to Philadelphia to visit a friend. To make a long story short I was forced to take a large refill bottle ofPaul Mitchell hairspray. Now I know that hair products are important butnot "I need secret service for my hairspray" important. Phone calls wherebeing made to make sure that I was in possession of said hairspray.Anyway, I decided that I would transport the hairspray to Philly. Thismeant checking my bag because the bottle was to large (greater than 3 oz.)to carry on board as carry on. So I checked the bag and was paranoid theentire trip that while I was headed to Philly my bag would be dead-headingto Tokyo. I was also worried that the bottle would explode somewhere over Kentucky(or the Pacific), spilling the contents throughout mysuitcase-coating my clothes and permanently stiffening them like concrete.Luckily this did not happen. I opened the bag and found the bottle intactand next to it was a TSA note basically stating they went through my shit.I knew they would because the American Airlines lady told me that my name was on their security list but it "wasn't a big deal." WTF? I was leftwondering if they thought I was Hispanic because the note was inSpanish-"Notificacion Para Inspeccion De Equipaje"-(the English version was on the other side but this was my first reaction). I decided that since Iwas checking my bag that I would carry-on my toiletries. I packed them alllike I am supposed to in a large ziplock bag and all 3oz or less. Mydeodorant (of all things) was 4 oz. There was only 1/2 left-meaning 2 oz.The dumb ass checking the content of my ziplock said that my deodorant isnot "permitted to fly." This is getting be a bunch of shit. I threw itout and got on the plane. I am waiting for the day that we are issued ahospital type gown to wear as somehow, someway, someone will find a method of making cotton a weapon of mass destruction. Traveling just ain't what it used to be.