Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What a Sleeze...

By now I am sure ya’ll have all heard about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and his expensive little habit of ordering hookers at a cost of $5,500 an hour. This man has had an incredibly distinguished career of fighting corruption, injustice, organized crime, and yes he has been very successful in fighting prostitution rings. Jay Leno said it best: “Spitzer brought prostitution to its knees one girl at a time.” I have never understood why people who make the laws feel that they are above those laws. And why do the wives of these Politician’s stand by their men? Mrs. Spitzer looks incredibly PISSED in the pictures she has taken with her husband since the news broke. I saw an interview with her online. She was giving a tour of the Gov’s Mansion and she seems very cool and actually kinda hot! She needs to dump his ass and get her a 25 year old and write herself a book—she could make a fortune on top of the fortune she would take from her sleazy husband!!

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