Saturday, September 10, 2011

Been A While...

So I noticed it has been quite some time since my last post. So beginning where I left off...
My first week at Neuberger Berman was hell. I seriously thought that I had chosen the wrong company to work for. I really had one hand on the phone to Madison by the end of the week. I told myself I would give NB six months so I am sticking to it. Things have gotten way better since that week. I sat across from an office with a vile woman who's potty mouth was just shameful. Apparently she has a 20 something year old kid with some sort of disability who calls her every ten seconds. She yells and screams at him at all hours of the day. I complained to my boss several times and they decided to move her down the hall and away from others and I got her cover office! So I would say things are better. My coworkers are fine. It amazes me that people have different relationships with bosses. So far my relationship with my boss is great. People have been throwing work at me left and right just because they do not want to do it and I have been throwing right back at them and saying no! My coworkers all seem to complain that work gets pawned off on them yet they do nothing about it. Well, I did something about it. I am still keeping my skepticism about Neuberger and knowing I have Madison Capital to potentially fall back on gives me great peace. I have also started getting my paychecks and I am mighty proud of them. Who knew that moving from Dallas to Chicago would garner me a 20K+ raise. Even though it is more expensive to live here I am actually coming out way ahead than I did in Dallas.

I have also been inflicted with my first minor sinus infection in well over a year. Last weekend the temps plunged and I am certain that is what caused my problems. Luckily it seems to be a minor one.

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