Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Murse...

I need a new murse. Actually I just really want a new one. I don’t NEED a new one. Generally I purchase a new murse every 18 months or so. What is a murse you ask? Murse = man purse. The murse is also known as a “mag” or “man bag” and can also be referred to as a “mote” or “man tote.” Ron just recently purchased his first murse (although I believe he preferres “mote”). He has started taking DART to work and needed something to carry his stuff in. We found a handsome black and blue mote at Target. It has lots of pockets and is suitable for a lap top. I kinda got a little jealous. I like his mote and we found the same one in all black. I think I just might have to venture out and get it. A murse is great for all occasions especially when traveling and comes in handy for everyday commutes. I highly recommend one!

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