Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Library Thrills...

The internet is relatively inexpensive. Computers are also relatively inexpensive. I completely understand if you simply cannot afford either. You can go to an internet café or even Kinkos to use the internet. The public library is also a nice place to go and it is completely free. Completely free to visit websites that feature porn. While little Johnny is typing up his research paper you can sitdown next to him and surf bigtitties.com. Just because the access is free does not make it right to access pornographic material in a public library. This is the problem that the J. Erik Jonnson Public Library in downtown Dallas is currently having. While little Sally is researching her science project you can sit next to her and watch videos of amateur glory holes on XTube.com or even search for a date on Classylady.com (where you can find my old neighbor Robynn available for a nominal fee). The City of Dallas and its public library system are trying to figure out a solution to this issue. If the library pulls internet access then the State of Texas will pull its funding. If the library installs filters on the machines then the ACLU steps in to say that access to other vital information such as breast cancer, etc might be blocked because of verbiage or whatever. So how does the library police people beating off under the table to peeonme.com? The librarians are a good start. I am sure it is not easy to approach an individual watching porn and ask them to please not do that. This is a free service that my tax dollars are paying for. I am paying for that creepy old man watching One Night in Paris and that really grosses me out. The library might as well stack Hustler in the magazine rack. I realize that most pornography is not illegal. However, I do strongly believe that it has no place in a public library. Then I think to myself that the library is the last place for censorship. We might as well change the name to the J. Erik Jonnson Bath House and Homeless Shelter. Perhaps they should create a separate room, much like the ‘back room’ of the video store, where one can sit and enjoy their favorite porn sites. I think that is a decent compromise. Either way it seems damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

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