Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Text Message Junkie...

I officially admit that I am a text message junkie. I am turning over anew leaf. After viewing my wireless bill, then pulling myself off thefloor, I am still is disbelief. The bill doesn't lie. My plan is 200 msgsper month then 10 cents per msg. Last month I doubled that limit. 413text messages. WTF? Now, I know where the bulk of these messages go. I have got to get some rehab! I have decided that I will NOT text for at least a week. If you text me and get no response then you know why or I will simply call you back. I text my friends if I am in mettings or simplyunable to talk-that used to be the way it was. Now I text when it would beeasier to just call. And you know text flirting really whipes out thelimit. I have several options:1. Continue on and file bankruptcy due to extreme text messaging2. Change my plan to include more messages3. Slow my ass downOption 2 seems more logical but I think I will give option 3 a chance.

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