You know everyone loves a good story about some of the idiots and issues here in our great State of Texas. You should head over to my friend Kevan’s blog and read all about it.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
On Wednesday nights we go to El Fenix for the Wednesday special. $4.99 for 2 enchiladas, rice, and beans. A few margaritas and good company. El Fenix is, I believe, the oldest Mexican food restaurant in Dallas. It opened in 1906 and I think the same people are still working there. Anyway, on the menu are Sopapeople (think Sopapillas). The menu describes them as “shaped like kids (with honey)” and for $4.75 you get an order of 5 kids or a single kid for $1.75.
Thursday’s suck. I say this because it is true. They just blow! It is very difficult for me to get up. All I want to do is stay in bed on Thursday mornings and sleep. And I am in an instant bad mood because I have to get up.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
White Trash at it again...
OMG! Have you seen this? Southwest was apparently rude to these girls. It seems that they were causing a ruckus on board-talking loud, swearing, annoying the people around them. So much so that they were escorted off the plane after it landed by 4 police officers.
The girls claim that they were being discriminated against because they were too pretty. WTF?? These white trash whores think they are pretty? They are just way to full of themselves.
The girls claim that they were being discriminated against because they were too pretty. WTF?? These white trash whores think they are pretty? They are just way to full of themselves.
Ordering Checks...
The only thing I use checks for are the following: rent and utilities, parking, and the occasional magazine subscription. I am running low on checks currently. So I call Chase to order checks and was told that because I just changed my address that I had to go in person to a branch and order them. Are you fucking kidding me!? I about ate the guys face through the phone when he told me “those are the rules.” He said that it is fraud prevention. I informed him that it was convenience prevention. I even played the employee card and he said no. Useless sons-of-bitches!!!! So now I have to go to a branch which all close before I get home. Guess I will have to wait until Saturday. I am just pissed.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Cool ATM...
Disclaimer: I am not promoting J.P. Morgan Chase Bank…I might be an employee and a customer but I am just saying I found a cool Chase ATM
I needed to make a deposit and did not want to wait until Monday. The bank was already closed so I decided to make the deposit through the ATM. You hear these horror stories where people make a deposit using an ATM and their funds are not available for like 10 days. Luckily Chase works a little different. Once you make a deposit then there is an amount available immediately then it takes 1-2 business days for the rest to clear. About the same amount of time as using a teller. I went to the Chase branch downtown located at Pacific and Ervay. I walked up to the machine and was looking for the envelopes. There were none to be found. The machine said I could make a deposit so I continued to follow the instructions on the screen. It told me to just stick the check into the slot. OMG! You did not have to use an envelope. I didn’t even need to key in the amount that I was depositing. So I place the check into the machine. It scanned the check and brought up a perfect picture of the check and asked if the amount XXX.XX was ok. I was giddy. I pushed yes and the check was deposited with part of it immediately available for withdrawal. How cool is this!!!!???? No envelopes! Not to mention that I have my ATM preferences set. So when I go to any Chase ATM in the world the preferences that I setup will automatically pop up on the screen. I have another deposit I need to make this evening and can’t wait to use that ATM!!!
I know this is all just trivial but I just thought it was all just too cool.
I needed to make a deposit and did not want to wait until Monday. The bank was already closed so I decided to make the deposit through the ATM. You hear these horror stories where people make a deposit using an ATM and their funds are not available for like 10 days. Luckily Chase works a little different. Once you make a deposit then there is an amount available immediately then it takes 1-2 business days for the rest to clear. About the same amount of time as using a teller. I went to the Chase branch downtown located at Pacific and Ervay. I walked up to the machine and was looking for the envelopes. There were none to be found. The machine said I could make a deposit so I continued to follow the instructions on the screen. It told me to just stick the check into the slot. OMG! You did not have to use an envelope. I didn’t even need to key in the amount that I was depositing. So I place the check into the machine. It scanned the check and brought up a perfect picture of the check and asked if the amount XXX.XX was ok. I was giddy. I pushed yes and the check was deposited with part of it immediately available for withdrawal. How cool is this!!!!???? No envelopes! Not to mention that I have my ATM preferences set. So when I go to any Chase ATM in the world the preferences that I setup will automatically pop up on the screen. I have another deposit I need to make this evening and can’t wait to use that ATM!!!
I know this is all just trivial but I just thought it was all just too cool.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Death Threat Elmo...
I SO want this doll!!!!!
The Bath...
Last night was cold and wet. I thought that I would just chill and I did. I decided that a nice hot bath would be excellent. So I turned on the water and added some bubbles. I went into the kitchen briefly. A few moments later I noticed that there was water on the floor in the living room and kitchen. It could not have been the tub as the water was concentrated in tiny puddles on the floor. I thought that I probably had tracked the water in since I had just taken Moses out. So I undress and walked into the bathroom. I noticed water on the floor in the bathroom and bedroom. Curious I called for Moses. He came and looked at me then ran. I finally caught him and he was soaked. Apparently he had decided to take a swim in the tub as it was filling. I toweled him dry and proceeded with my bath. Moses stood right there and watched me. He was acting like he was going to jump in. Then I did it. I put him in the bath with me. Oh he loved it! He just sat there while I chilled. Afterwards I took a quick shower to rinse off (you should always shower after a bath since you are just marinating in your own dirt and oils!) and gave Moses a full wash and fluff. I still can’t believe that I did that. But I used to have a cat that would like to shower with me in college. I have odd animals. What can I say?
Amy Winehouse...
I have been listening to Back In Black by Amy Winehouse. I know that she has been all over the news with winning grammys and her major drug problem but her music and her voice are amazing. I was reading and there was a YouTube posting of a live performance of Love is a Loosing Game (fabulous song!). Although the performance was a little off and she was a bit difficult to watch I was intrigued. I found the actual music video and was really just blown away. So I highly recommend listening to her stuff. The only song of hers I had heard before was Rehab. Wasn’t a fan. But after listening to the rest….it is really cool and different.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
The Move is Done…
Well, we finished moving finally. The entire process went much quicker that I had thought. Most of everything was moved on Friday and I finished up on Sunday. Mainly organizing and taking stuff down to storage. The apartment looks great! I will get pictures posted soon. Now, we are in the process of getting Ron’s things into the place. He doesn’t really have all that much. He is selling his sofa and TV stand (I think) and his bed is going into storage. He is bringing things over everyday so hopefully this will all be done very soon.
I have been franticly organizing things. I cannot sleep until things are done. I lay awake at night organizing things in my head. Ron sat me down in a futile attempt to calm/slow me down but all I could look at was the kitchen in shambles. I was up until midnight last night finishing the bathroom, closet, and bookcases. The task has been completed. It actually looks like I have lived there a while. It has come to my attention that I have to many clothes. When I had my nice big walk-in closet it certainly did not seem like much. But as I was organizing the new closet I quickly came to realize that I should put some stuff away. I have almost 20 pairs of shoes; each in their own plastic containers that did not fit well in the closet with my clothes. So, I took a bunch of summer clothes and folded them which helped tremendously. So now all the pants are hanging on the bottom level with the shoes stacked neatly. We will have to add another drawer. I fold my t-shirts in a very odd way that saves a ton of space. I have started folding Ron’s t-shirts the same way. Here is the problem-Ron wears a large-XL shirt. When I fold his shirts the same way it is still very big so I folded the shirts in half again and bingo! Plenty of room. But I know there is more to come as he has not moved the majority of his clothes yet.
So far so good and more to come…
I have been franticly organizing things. I cannot sleep until things are done. I lay awake at night organizing things in my head. Ron sat me down in a futile attempt to calm/slow me down but all I could look at was the kitchen in shambles. I was up until midnight last night finishing the bathroom, closet, and bookcases. The task has been completed. It actually looks like I have lived there a while. It has come to my attention that I have to many clothes. When I had my nice big walk-in closet it certainly did not seem like much. But as I was organizing the new closet I quickly came to realize that I should put some stuff away. I have almost 20 pairs of shoes; each in their own plastic containers that did not fit well in the closet with my clothes. So, I took a bunch of summer clothes and folded them which helped tremendously. So now all the pants are hanging on the bottom level with the shoes stacked neatly. We will have to add another drawer. I fold my t-shirts in a very odd way that saves a ton of space. I have started folding Ron’s t-shirts the same way. Here is the problem-Ron wears a large-XL shirt. When I fold his shirts the same way it is still very big so I folded the shirts in half again and bingo! Plenty of room. But I know there is more to come as he has not moved the majority of his clothes yet.
So far so good and more to come…
Perhaps it is Time to Leave JPMorgan Chase & Co…
I have the most boring job ever! All I do is surf the internet and write blogs at work. I need to seriously get out of here and start on something else. Yes, I can wear whatever I want. Yes, I get fed everyday. But I would rather dress up and pay for my own lunches and work than sit on my ass all day. I started at FCS in July and told myself that I would commit to 1 year of service. Well I have about 5 months to go. I will, however start looking and if something great comes my way then who am I to turn it down!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I am not an out spoken political person at all. I keep my political views to myself. It is a private matter for me. For some reason I ended up a registered Republican. I have no clue as to how this may have occurred. Every so often I will get an 8x10 glossy of President Bush and his lovely wife Laura. This disturbs me greatly. I would rather just have a picture of Laura but no, darned ol’ Bushy has to jump into the picture. I wish I knew how I ended up a registered Republican, I really do. How do I go about changing this? I feel unclean. I feel the need to bathe in holy water but am afraid I my skin might fall off do to my sinful ways. Ugh.
Anyway, I thought it funny that “informed voters” were headed to the polls during Super Tuesday two weeks ago. The Texas primary is not until March 4th. People were complaining that there were no candidates on the ballots. Well of course not you yahoos. If you had been informed as much as you say you were then you would have known. There was an election on that day but it was for state and city-wide issues.
Anyway, I thought it funny that “informed voters” were headed to the polls during Super Tuesday two weeks ago. The Texas primary is not until March 4th. People were complaining that there were no candidates on the ballots. Well of course not you yahoos. If you had been informed as much as you say you were then you would have known. There was an election on that day but it was for state and city-wide issues.
Seamless Moving...
Today is Monday and I am just now starting to pack some things up for my move on Friday. I am only going up two floors in the same building so I am not going to beat myself up packing everything. All I need is some totes and a few boxes and I will be good to go. The kitchen will go first. I will get it in there and all put away then the bathroom will be next. Then the closet. Then the big pieces of furniture. By the time we are finished the new place will look as if I have lived there for a while. It is what I like to call seamless moving. I will probably start moving things Thursday evening. We finished painting and assembling the closet over this past weekend. Ron had the easy part with rolling the paint on the walls. I did all the taping and edging. I am so sore I can hardly move. The colors are as follows: the living room is "Oak Cask" or as Bill said-manilla envelope, the kitchen is "Chasing Chocolate," the bathroom is "Subtle Blue," and the bedroom is "Smoky Blue (think slate blue)." Ugh, the gays and their colors schemes! Well, it all looks great and I will get some pics posted soon.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Valentine's Day...
Every year on February 14th people, men mostly, are reminded that they must acknowledge their love for their loved one by spending cash. Buying candy and flowers, diamonds, etc. Wouldn’t an “I Love You” suffice? Ron and I discussed VD and thank goodness we both hate it. There is no reason why we need to prove our love for each other in that way. Especially so soon after Christmas and before our anniversary (March 18th). Honestly I would rather have a Nintendo Wii or shiny Ninja sword than something mushy. So we are opting out of celebrating VD next Thursday.
You know, VD also contributes greatly to obesity. The stores are stocking their shelves with mounds of chocolates and tons of candy. So a day of love really means a day of overeating. “I love you so much I bought you all of this candy, please eat and gain 90lbs.” Then she gains 90 lbs and he runs out and bangs a flight attendant on his way to a conference in Boise. Marriage ruined and it is both of their faults. You never see or hear about a loved one giving their honey a box of granola bars! And why in the hell do people get married on the busiest marriage day of the year? What a cliché! It is all about the romance I guess.
You know, VD also contributes greatly to obesity. The stores are stocking their shelves with mounds of chocolates and tons of candy. So a day of love really means a day of overeating. “I love you so much I bought you all of this candy, please eat and gain 90lbs.” Then she gains 90 lbs and he runs out and bangs a flight attendant on his way to a conference in Boise. Marriage ruined and it is both of their faults. You never see or hear about a loved one giving their honey a box of granola bars! And why in the hell do people get married on the busiest marriage day of the year? What a cliché! It is all about the romance I guess.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Polishing a Turd...
There was an article this morning in The Times about businesses in New York City accepting Euros instead of U.S. Dollars. Due to the increasingly weak dollar (which is practically worthless) businesses are struggling. There are businesses here in Texas, some even here in Dallas, that accept Mexican Pesos as well as places along the U.S./Canadian border that accept Canadian Dollars. You know, I am all for this!! I have always believed that a universal monetary system would be much better than the one we have now. Of course, there are people who believe that I am crazy but so be it. I have about £60 and about €25 ($117.00 and $36 respectively) tucked away. There is no point in exchanging them since they have lost more value now from when I bought them.
Of course the U.S. is headed into a recession. Our “Brilliant” President has decided to give Americans more money in early summer. They are trying to prevent a recession. More money given out, the FED keeps lowering the prime interest rates, etc. This is ok to a certain point. I believe some of this is going to far. Recessions are historically cyclical. A recession will happen regardless of the things done to prevent it. They keep skirting the issue here. They are calling this period of time “a slow down in our economy.” Um, right…this is called a recession. It is like polishing a turd. No matter how much you polish the turd, it is still a stinky piece of poo. No matter how much you cover up a recession…it is still a recession. If you look back through history you will find that the economy will enter a mild recession during a presidential election and other times of uncertainty. But I think that this is going to be bigger and last longer than usual. God forbid…don’t use the “R” word.
Of course the U.S. is headed into a recession. Our “Brilliant” President has decided to give Americans more money in early summer. They are trying to prevent a recession. More money given out, the FED keeps lowering the prime interest rates, etc. This is ok to a certain point. I believe some of this is going to far. Recessions are historically cyclical. A recession will happen regardless of the things done to prevent it. They keep skirting the issue here. They are calling this period of time “a slow down in our economy.” Um, right…this is called a recession. It is like polishing a turd. No matter how much you polish the turd, it is still a stinky piece of poo. No matter how much you cover up a recession…it is still a recession. If you look back through history you will find that the economy will enter a mild recession during a presidential election and other times of uncertainty. But I think that this is going to be bigger and last longer than usual. God forbid…don’t use the “R” word.
Ninja Puppy and Kitty Takanawa...

Ok, I have the story going through my head. Moses, my Yorkshire Terrorist, and Ms. Kitty, my elder Tonkanese cat are the main characters. Moses is, of course, Ninja Puppy. Ms. Kitty is the Ninja Master Kitty Takanawa. We will begin with how Ninja Puppy came to be recruited by Kitty Takanawa. This will be the first chapter and I will post it very soon so keep an eye out!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
If you like wine then you will love my friend and fellow BP's website:
Eric's site is informative, stylish, fun, and fabulous. His blog is not one of those haughty critiques of over-priced wine. The wines are inexpensive and easily attainable from any wine store, online, and your local supermarket. He provides in-depth and honest reviews of wine. He is not a professional Sommelier or wine expert. He is simply providing his opinion. It just so happens that he has a good palate and great taste so I faithfully endorse winehazard as a go to to learn, experiment, and enjoy tasteful commentary and great wines. So go and visit winehazard and enjoy!!!!
Eric's site is informative, stylish, fun, and fabulous. His blog is not one of those haughty critiques of over-priced wine. The wines are inexpensive and easily attainable from any wine store, online, and your local supermarket. He provides in-depth and honest reviews of wine. He is not a professional Sommelier or wine expert. He is simply providing his opinion. It just so happens that he has a good palate and great taste so I faithfully endorse winehazard as a go to to learn, experiment, and enjoy tasteful commentary and great wines. So go and visit winehazard and enjoy!!!!
Bad Wine...

Last night I forgot I had been given a bottle of wine a few weeks ago. I opened it and allowed to breathe a little. I poured a glass. It was a 2007 Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau. The color was light, it swirled ok. Then I smelled it. It smelled acidic, almost like athlete’s foot. I was like, YIPES!! I put the glass down and picked up the bottle. I looked at the cork and it was fine. I did notice that the bottle itself seems light and almost felt like plastic. I had to tap on it just to confirm. The glass itself seemed very thin. So, after about 15 minutes I picked up the glass again. Same smell. So I take a sip and I thought my face was going to collapse into itself (think bitter beer face). Now, I love wine and I have a decent palate I think but what the hell?? I was against throwing it out-no need to waste alcohol. I placed an ice cube in the glass and waited a sec. I had a piece of cheese and a cracker. My attempt to make this palpable was futile. I was able to finish the glass thinking that I would find a redeeming quality but no. I dumped the wine down the sink which was a first for me. It took me back to my college days drinking boxed wine. Well, let me tell you that any variety of Franzia is far better that what I attempted to consume last night. Maybe it was just me? Perhaps someone out there will love it? Maybe it needed to sit on the shelf for a few years? Well, for what it was worth it went down the sink better than it did my throat.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Another Crappy Rant...
This morning, like all mornings, I rise to a new day. New experiences to have, new people to meet. But the first thing I do is take Moses out. He was still asleep when I got up so I dressed and got ready for work. Then I took him outside so that he may do his business. He did and we came back inside and I left for the office. Half way to the office I noticed something on my pants. It was poop. I looked at my shoe and there, suck to the bottom and side of my shoe, was dog crap. When I got to the office I washed my shoe in the sink and tried to wash out the crap on my pants. All that did was make for wet and poopy pants. Did I mention it stunk to high heaven? It did. So I waited until the mall opened and purchased a pair of jeans and new shoes. Now damnit! Why in the hell can’t people pick up after their dogs? The City of Dallas has made it a law that you must pick up the poo! Unfortunately there is no one around to enforce the law. There are even poo bags at the poopoo palace where I take Moses. Some will argue that I should watch where I step and I usually do but come on! If you can’t pick up after your dog then you should not have one! There should be camera's on the poopoo palace and thank goodness I work above the Galleria!
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